

"Mindfulness is a skill that enables the individual to be aware of the present moment, including one’s internal and external experiences. Slowing down and being mindful enables us to notice what information our minds and feelings are presenting in a situation, which may help influence our actions rather than propel us to react in ways that may take us further from what we actually want. " 

Rhodes, Bree.  "Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Be Present, Open Up, and Do What Matters Most," The Clinical Update [for the California Society for Clinical Social Work], Volume XLIV, Issue 2, September 2012.

Strengths Based

A strengths approach offers a genuine basis for you taking control of your own life in meaningful and sustainable ways. We will focus on finding and/or sustaining trusting and workable relationships. You will be empowered to take a lead in your own self-care. We will collaborate on mutually agreed upon goals that draw upon your personal resources of motivation and hope. In the end, creating sustainable change will happen through this learning and experiential growth.



Goal-Oriented Counseling is a modality that begins with the end in mind. It is not necessarily a specific form of counseling, but usually it is cognitive and/or behavioral in nature. Cognitive behavioral counseling is goal-oriented and focused by definition: to correct problems in thinking and behavior that cause emotional distress and perpetuate a maladaptive pattern (strong life theme or schema). At the beginning of counseling, the specific problem to be focused on is identified, and the goal of the counseling is explicitly acknowledged.